Monday, May 31, 2010

Communications. branding and reputation -- it all fits!

I want to share a very interesting post from Paul Dickard, former Director External Communications at Ingersoll Rand:

"Communications is the art of engaging audiences (nowadays, stakeholders) through words, images, and symbols in multiple formats (media) to deliver information that can generate awareness, influence perceptions, encourage dialogue, drive behaviors, motivate actions, gain alignment, and secure trust.  
Branding is the art of delivering experiences -- visual, physical, tactile -- that create an emotional response to the organization in the hearts and minds of its stakeholders.  This can include communications, inasmuch as messages support the brand expression; however, the brand lives or dies by the way it is represented through organizational actions, performance, processes, and systems. 
No amount of communications can rescue a brand drowning in organizational incompetence. But when mixed together skillfully, communications and branding create a powerful concoction called reputation equity.  As communicator or as brandist, we are only as good as the reputation we are building."

Le marketing des émotions.

En surfant sur Amazon à la recherche de livres intéressants sur le marketing, le titre de celui-ci (et surtout son sous-titre d'ailleurs) m'a tout de suite interpellé: Le marketing des émotions. Pourquoi Kotler est obsolète?   Essentiellement axé sur le B2C, ce livre apporte un éclairage nouveau sur l'évolution du marketing. A découvrir!

"L'émotion est aujourd'hui le coeur même de l'acte d'achat. Les besoins des consommateurs étant largement satisfaits, l'entreprise ne peut plus se contenter d'un marketing classique, rationnel et segmentant comme l'enseignait Philip Kotler, et doit totalement redéfinir sa stratégie."
"Georges Chétochine, professeur de marketing à l'université Paris IX-Dauphine, donne les clés pour comprendre les mécanismes émotionnels qui déterminent le choix du client afin d'en faire le nouveau levier du marketing : dès lors, pour mieux communiquer et mieux vendre, il faut administrer de l'émotion durant l'achat."

Table des matières et extraits à découvrir ici

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Welcome to Serendipity

No doubt, music, books, blogs or events emit vibrations.
I often feel them quite intensely but usually struggle to capture, retain or express the thoughts or emotions that awaken and proliferate in my mind.

Serendipity is almost a buzz word today! But who knows what it means and where it comes from?
The word derives from Serendip, the Persian name for Sri Lanka, which, itself, was derived from Sanskrit name Swarnadweep (Swarna meaning golden and Dweep meaning island). 
The meaning however derives from a fairy tale, “The three princes of Serendip”, where the princes were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity.

Welcome to my golden island of unexpected wise discoveries.
I hope your creative minds will continue the journey and crealize (a contraction of create and realize) ad libitum.